About USIn the 2018-2019 school year AceIT established itself as the leading snack provider to the VE MarketPlace.
Our products consist of a large variety of sweet and salty snacks that come packaged in single-serving packages, and are well known favorites within the U.S. Customer will be able to choose from a wide selection of different bundled options. Our bundles consist of but not limited to, sweet snacks such as Skittles, Reese Cups, Trolli Gummy Worms, and Oreos, and salty treats like Cool Ranch & Nacho Cheese Doritos, Hot Cheetos, and Salt & Vinegar Lays Chips. |
Missions Statement:
AceIT offer its customers quality all time favorites American single-serving snacks that are uniquely bundled with affordability in mind. Each employee will uphold a cohesive work environment where all employees work efficiently and effectively while remaining positive towards each other. |